Youth Mobility Agreement Between Canada and Italy

On 1 November, the Canada-Italy Youth Mobility Agreement came into force, offering vocational training opportunities to nationals of these nations, aged between 18 and 35, who are entering the world of work.


This agreement envisages the participation of three categories of actors:

– “Working Holiday“: intended for those who intend both to travel to the host country and to have a temporary job during their stay.

– “Young workers“: intended for those who already have a work contract in the host country, which relates to their professional development or in any case to their studies.

– “International traineeship“: intended for those enrolled in a course of study at a post-secondary institution who have obtained, in the host country, a traineeship related to their academic course.

Eligibility Requirements

In order to verify whether the conditions for obtaining an entry visa are met, it is necessary to examine the Agreement.

Italian citizens who are interested in taking advantage of the conditions established by the Agreement should refer to the International Experience Canada website, where it is possible to find information on how to adhere to the Agreement and to view the instructions and a tutorial that explains each step to be followed in a clear and straightforward manner.

On the other hand, Canadian citizens who would like to benefit from the Youth Mobility Agreement by coming to our country should first consult the site related to the Visa for Italy, which will be able to give them the first information on the bureaucratic steps they will have to follow in order to obtain an entry visa.

The type of Entry Visa to be applied for by Canadian citizens, following the structure of the categories of the Agreement, is as follows:

– “Holiday-Working” Category: the entry visa to be applied for will be the Holiday-Working Visa.

– Category “Young Workers”: the entry visa to be applied for shall be that of employment.

– Category “International traineeship”: the entry visa to be requested will be the Study-Training visa.

Within eight days of arriving in Italy, a Residence permit must be applied for at the Immigration Office of reference.

This Agreement is part of the increasingly excellent bilateral relations between Italy and North America, with the explicit aim of promoting knowledge of each other’s culture, traditions, and language among the younger generations, through travel, study, and work experiences in the two countries.