The Residence Permit Online
The Residence Permit is a mandatory document for foreign citizens who do not belong to the European Union and gives them the right to stay legally in Italy. As we know, to obtain it, it is necessary to apply to the Immigration Office and present the documents required by law. -
The Effects of International Sanctions on Financial Markets
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to a response from the international community using sanctions, to weaken the Russian economy,thus effectively hindering its ability to bear the high costs of the war. -
The New Discipline of the EU Permanent Residence Permit
Law decree no. 238/2021 was promulgated on the 1st of February and regulates the provisions for the fulfillment of the obligations arising from Italy's membership in the European Union. It mainly concerns a measure aimed at adapting the national system to the European one and at facilitating the cancellation of several infringement procedures addressed to Italy. -
Flows Decree 2022: extension of applications to 30 September
Several positions regarding applications relating to the Flows Decrees have remained vacant: for this reason, the deadline has been postponed till the end of September. -
Residence permit for “Special Cases”
Immigration has always been a dangerous political ground in Italy, on which ideologies have often clashed provoking recurring governmental debates and conflicts among different political parties but without ever providing solutions. -
Covid-19 Latest Updates: What Changes from April 1st
The Italian government has enacted a new decree for a return to “normalcy”, -
The Surety Policy for Non-EU Citizens
Italy is a wonderful country, rich in history, art, and culture. However,…
Medical Malpractice Cases in Italy: How We Can Protect Ourselves
Despite the Italian National Health System (SSN) being world-class excellence, every year…
Road Safety: Black Box Standard on New Cars
In July 2022, authorities established that all newly registered passenger cars must…
Cybersecurity: Insurance Solutions to Protect Businesses and Professionals
Cyberattacks now represent the main risk for companies, just think that in recent years Italian companies and professionals have suffered damages for an amount of about ten billion euros. With the continuous evolution of technology, personal data breaches have been increasing exponentially every year and the only way to try to defend oneself is to improve and upgrade the IT security of the systems.
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