Are you a member of Welcome Association Italy and are you in need of healthcare assistance?

What is insured

Assistance, provided following an accident or illness up to 3 times a year, for:

  • medical advice;
  • sending home, a doctor or an ambulance to Italy in case of urgency;
  • transfer and return from a hospital in Italy;
  • access to the health network;
  • recommendation of a specialist doctor in Italy;
  • delivery of medical results to home in Italy;
  • trip of family member and interpreter available in Italy;
  • cardiological, gynecological, geriatric and pediatric consultation;
  • research and booking specialist visits in Italy;
  • international second opinion.

Home Adaptation, the reimbursement of expenses incurred up to a maximum of Euro 2,500.00 for adaptability of your home following an illness and/or accident with a consequent state of permanent disability of 70%.

What is NOT insured

For all guarantees, excluded are:

  • unsaid accidents, illnesses, malformations, physical defects and pathological conditions diagnosed prior to the stipulation of the contract to Europ Assistance with misconduct or gross negligence;
  • participation of the Insured Party in malicious crimes;
  • pathological conditions related to HIV infection;
  • mental illnesses and mental disorders in general, including neurotic behavior;
  • accidents and illnesses resulting from alcohol abuse, use of hallucinogens and non-therapeutic consumption of psychotropic drugs and narcotic drugs;
  • voluntary non-therapeutic abortion;
  • accidents resulting from criminal actions carried out by the Insured Party, those suffered as a result of imprudence or even serious negligence of the Insured Party themselves;
  • accidents deriving from aerial sports and from participation in motor races and related tests and training, except in the case of regulated races;
  • accidents deriving from or attributable to activities involving the use of firearms;
  • dental care, dental prostheses and periodontal diseases not resulting from an accident;
  • aesthetic applications (except for plastic or stomatological reconstructive surgery which has become necessary due to accident or illness);
  • consequences of wars and insurrections, telluric movements, volcanic eruptions and floods;
  • active participation of the Insured Party in acts of war, declared or undeclared, civil war, acts of terrorism, revolution, popular turmoil or any military operation; coverage is excluded even if the Insured Party has not taken an active part in acts of war, declared or undeclared or civil war and the loss of self-sufficiency occurs after 14 days from the beginning of the hostilities if the Insured Party is already in the territory of occurrence; the existence of war or similar to war in a country upon arrival of the Insured Party implies exclusion from insurance coverage;
  • consequences of transformations or energy adjustments of the atom, natural or caused, accelerations of atomic particles (nuclear fission and fusion, radioactive isotopes, accelerating machines, X-rays, etc.);
  • purchase, maintenance and repair of prosthetic and therapeutic devices;
  • stays in spas, in specialized nursing homes for nervous and tuberculosis diseases, in residence and convalescence homes, rest homes (although qualified as Health Institutes);
  • negligence, imprudence and inexperience in following medical advice: this means that the service is not provided if it is proven that the Insured Party has not consulted doctors, or has not followed the indications of doctors in order to improve their state of health;
  • flight accident, if the Insured Party travels on an aircraft which is not authorized to fly or with a pilot who does not have a suitable license; in any case, the loss of self-sufficiency caused by a flight accident is excluded if the Insured Party travels as a member of the crew;
  • all that is not expressly indicated in the individual services.

What are the limits of the coverage

Age limits: you cannot be insured if you are 75 years of age or older.

Terms of absence:

  • for accidents, from midnight on the day on which the insurance is effective;
  • for illness, from the 30th day following the day on which the insurance is effective;
  • for consequences of latent pathological conditions, which arose prior to the signing of the policy, not yet manifested and unknown, from the 180th day following the day on which the insurance is effective;
  • for childbirth and puerperium diseases, from the 300th day following the day on which the insurance is effective.
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What to do in case of an accident

In the event of an accident, you must immediately contact the Organizational Structure. In the event of Assistance, the Europ Assistance Organizational Structure operates 24 hours a day, to intervene or indicate the most suitable procedures to resolve any type of problem in the best possible way, in addition to authorizing any expenses.

IMPORTANT: do not take any initiative without first contacting the organizational structure by phone on:

800.04.64.21 (from Italy)
+39.02.58286966 (from abroad)

You will need to communicate the following information:

  • Type of intervention requested
  • Name and surname
  • Card number
  • Current address
  • Phone number