Self-employment: is it possible to renew the permit?

The request for renewal of the residence permit must be submitted 60 days before the expiry date and up to 60 days after the expiry date, attaching a copy of the following documentation:

1. residence permit;

2. passport pages showing personal data;

3. VAT number attribution;

4. registration with the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts or recent Chamber of Commerce registration;

5. authorization or registration in a special register if required by current legislation for the exercise of the professional activity carried out;

6. tax return and provisional balance.

Once the application for release or renewal has been submitted, the foreign self-employed worker must wait for the date of appointment at the Police Headquarters. On the pre-established day, the foreign citizen will go to the indicated office where photodactyloscopic (fingerprints) surveys will be carried out. The applicant is issued a copy of his request on which a stamp with the filing date is affixed, this receipt must be kept with care as it is the only document certifying the regular stay of the foreigner in Italian territory.

Some police headquarters when the residence permit is ready send a text message with the indications for the withdrawal (date, time and place).

You can know the processing status of the application and the date of call for the withdrawal also:

on the immigration portal by entering the access credentials shown on the receipt issued by Poste Italiane at the time of delivery of the request;

on the official portal of the State Police, by clicking on the “Your residence permit” section located at the top right.

Among the subjects for which compulsory registration to the N.H.S. we also find foreigners legally resident, or who have requested the renewal of the residence permit, for self-employment. By registering with the National Health Service, foreign citizens are recognized equal treatment and full equality of rights and duties with respect to Italian citizens as regards the type of assistance, the temporal validity and the obligation to contribute