The Family Booklet, what it is and what it is for

The “Family Booklet” refers to a useful tool to pay for occasional domestic work. The Family Booklet is obtained from the person called “user” at the INPS for payments to the “lender”.

Who are the lenders

The latter, work occasionally as caregivers, housekeepers, babysitters, hold private lessons and school repetitions, etc. and can be unemployed, workers, retirees, students. This category also includes those who receive supplementary salary benefits and other income supports such as the Citizenship Income or NASpI unemployment benefit.

Who are the users

The user, on the other hand, must exclusively be a natural person who does not carry out business or professional activities such as self-employed workers, entrepreneurs, associations, both private and public entities. They are required to enter an occasional service contract with the subject who will no longer be a lender but a real employee.

Both parties must register on the INPS platform and transmit their personal data. In addition, the worker must also provide the bank details of the account on which they will receive the payment.

Salary and limits

The minimum hourly wage for the lender was set at € 8, net of contributions, INAIL insurance and management costs. These costs will be borne by the employer who will have to make a payment of € 10, or multiples thereof using the F24 Elide model at the post office or bank. Alternatively, paying online by card or bank transfer on the INPS platform by accessing with INPS Pin, SPID or CIE.

A user has a maximum annual limit, in terms of payments made, for the use of this tool of €2500 for a single worker or €5000 for several workers. Similarly, also for the lender.