意大利现行法律对不超过三个月的逗留和更长时间的逗留作了区分。 -
The Right To Study For Foreign Minors
One of the problems related to immigration is represented by the lack…
Associations Of Immigrants In Our Country
For about thirty years now, Italy has been a place of landing…
在意大利定期居住超过九十天的外国人必须提供疾病和伤害风险保险,以获得居留证 居留证或民事登记在市政府登记。
进入我国时间少于三个月的人也必须履行同样的义务,以便获得 签证签证。法律要求提供哪些保障?
欧洲标准 2004/17/EC规定了外国公民的医疗保险义务,该标准规定,所有在意大利申 请入境签证或居留许可的公民,必须向当局提交任何突发医疗费用的保险。
同样的规定也适用于在意大利逗留三个月以上的欧盟公民。 法令 Lgs. 他们必须申请在我国居留。发生索赔时该怎么办?
应向原子能机构提交的文件 如下:
值得注意的是,申请居留证并不构成在意大利合法永久居留的证明:如果外国公民尚未实际拥有居留证,他可以连同过期的居留证一起申请延期;… -
The new universal single allowance for children
With the advent of this new year, the race for the presentation…
Scientific research: requirements for obtaining a residence permit
In a world that is now completely globalized and interconnected, more and…
The new anti-Covid government provisions
Last week we dealt with the subject of the Law-decrees and their…
The injuries insurance policy
Unfortunately, every day we hear of accidents at work, often fatal, which…
The new anti-Covid government provisions
Last week we dealt with the subject of the Law-decrees and their…
Finance pills: Blockchain and cryptocurrencies
For several years, new technologies have radically changed our way of life,…
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