Acquisition of citizenship by naturalization
If you have resided on Italian territory for at least ten years, you can apply for Italian citizenship. However, there are some exceptions, for example:
– 3 years if you were born and reside in Italy or if your father, your mother or one of your second degree straight line ascendants were Italian by birth;
– 4 years if you are a citizen of a member state of the European Union;
– 5 years if you are stateless or a political refugee or if you are adopted and you are of legal age.
– no period of residence is required for foreigners who have served the state for a period of at least five years, including abroad.
To apply, simply connect to the Ministry of the Interior site and register on the portal to obtain the access credentials. After logging in you will need to fill in all the fields provided by the form and enter the following mandatory documents:
– valid identification document;
– Criminal certificate of the country of origin complete with legalized translation;
– birth certificate and related legalized translation if it were written in a language other than Italian;
– residence permit or certificate of residence;
– receipt of the payment of 200.00 euros for the contribution;
– details of an online revenue stamp worth € 16.00;
– self-certification of possession of sufficient income for self-sustenance, according to the parameter set for exemption from participation in health expenditure, which must be minimal:
• 8,263.31 euros per year for applicants without dependents;
• 11,362.05 euros per year for applicants with dependent spouses, which can be increased by 516.00 euros for each additional person in charge;
– if you are a stateless foreigner or a political refugee you must attach the certificate of recognition of that state. The original must also be viewed.
To complete the procedure and obtain Italian citizenship within six months of notification, you must take an oath to the Italian Republic at the Municipality where you reside.
The deadline for concluding the procedure for obtaining citizenship is 730 days, according to the provisions of article 3 of Presidential Decree 362/1994.
The act of granting Italian citizenship by naturalization following residency is of a discretionary nature, therefore, in addition to the requirements prescribed by law, all those elements that in fact motivate the expediency of the concession must be evaluated. The assessment is aimed at the existence of a general public interest in the concession.