Covid-19: assistance coverage for foreign residents

Europ Assistance, the leading insurance company in the private sector of the Generali Group, provides healthcare solutions to Italian or foreign citizens residing in Italy.

Day-to-day travel is subject to new provisions introduced by individual countries for their citizens leaving for foreign destinations and for the reception of travelers. Before leaving, Italian citizens are advised to consult the Farnesina website to stay updated on the current provisions.

Traveling favors greater contact with people all over the world and the frequentation of closed spaces, situations that allow diseases such as Covid-19 to spread rapidly. For those who have to travel it is recommended to wash their hands often with soap and water, cover their faces when coughing or sneezing and touch their eyes, nose and mouth as little as possible.

At this particular moment for those who are forced to make trips, for example for work, it becomes essential to have a cover for medical assistance that can help in case of Covid-19 infection.

Thanks to medical assistance, the insured who believes he is infected with Covid-19 can contact the Operations Center by calling a dedicated number. The operator of the Operations Center will take steps to give indication of the safety procedures that the insured person must follow, such as information on the reference hospital for Covid-19 of the location where he is located.

Remember that in no case should you go to a doctor or emergency room, but find a way to isolate yourself. In case of a positive outcome of the exams, Europ Assistance will communicate the data of the compatriot affected by Covid-19 to the Farnesina.

The General Agency of Rome Parioli Liegi Generali Italia, always attentive to the insurance needs of foreign citizens residing or residing in Italy, has decided to make available to them a package of health care provided by Europ Assistance that will assist them even in case of infection by Covid-19.

The purchase of the health care package is made via the web so as to make it accessible to anyone, regardless of where you reside.

For further information and instructions on how to access the health care package, contact Insurance Italy, a desk dedicated to foreign citizens of the General Agency of Rome Parioli Liegi Generali Italia S.p.A. at +39.06.3210214 or email