New rules for those who enter Italy with a visa

From February 2, 2020, the reform of the code governing the entry visa for Italy came into operation. In particular, efforts have been made to implement simpler and faster procedures that allow greater collaboration between the bodies in charge of tackling irregular migration, unfortunately there has also been a change in current rates.

The main changes in the new code are the following:

1) the cost of the entry visa has gone from € 60 to € 80, the increase will serve to give resources to improve the digital and technological apparatus of the consulates in order to optimize the efficiency of the entities themselves. Discounts are available for children under 18, while for children under 6, students and researchers will continue to be exempted from payment;

2) extension of the time to submit the application by the non-EU foreign citizen: he now has from 6 months (no more 3 months) to 15 days before the trip. The application is submitted electronically directly from the country of residence;

3) evaluation of the «positive history» of the applicant: the foreign citizen who in the past has met the deadlines of their entry visas, will be able to apply for multiple entry visas with a gradually increasing validity, which will range from one to five years;

4) greater flexibility on the procedures for examining visa applications regarding aspects such as maximum exam time, visa validity, costs and exemptions from payment. These parameters may be negotiated on the basis of the cooperation of the citizen’s country of origin with regard to returns and readmissions of illegal immigrants.

To date, citizens of 105 countries around the world are required to apply for a visa to spend a maximum of 90 days for each 180-day period, for example for tourism or business.

In order to obtain a visa, the foreigner must submit the following documentation to the Italian Embassy:

demonstration of the financial means which can also be shown by means of a guarantee policy;

health insurance against the risk of illness and / or accidents;

booking of the outward and return flight;

accommodation availability (hotel booking, declaration of hospitality).

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