Registro civil de residencia para ciudadanos de la Unión Europea
La legislación italiana actual distingue entre estancias de hasta tres meses y estancias de mayor duración. -
Scientific research: requirements for obtaining a residence permit
In a world that is now completely globalized and interconnected, more and…
Finance pills: Blockchain and cryptocurrencies
For several years, new technologies have radically changed our way of life,…
The new Decree-Law no. 221 of 24 December 2021
Following the protraction of the pandemic emergency, the Government has issued a…
InPA: the new Public Administration recruitment portal
The protraction of the pandemic has totally revolutionized our modus vivendi, both…
La normativa para estancias de estudios inferiores a cinco meses
In recent years there has always been talk of the so-called «brains…
Ciudadanos de la UE residentes en Italia
Al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, se inició un proceso de…
The entry visa and the permit for religious reasons
The presence of the Vatican has always represented a magnet for short…
British citizens in Italy after Brexit
From 1 January of this year, the procedure relating to the exit…
Holidays time: how to protect our home
The weather has changed, the rains are more and more frequent and…
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