Entry Quotas Outside the Flows Decree

Non-EU remote workers, both self-employed and subordinate, and the so-called “digital nomads” will be able to enter the national territory outside of the quotas established by the Flows Decree, as provided for by the law converting the “Decreto Sostegni Ter“, which provided for the inclusion of these two categories of workers in the list of special cases of entry provided for by art. 27 of the Consolidated Act on Immigration.

Who are the digital nomads?

The figure of the digital nomad is not a novelty due to the emergency pandemic situation in which, by now, we find ourselves for more than two years, but has been present for a longer time. It can be defined as a worker who can exercise his or her profession remotely, without being physically present in an office. The average stay in a country of digital nomads is between three and six months: they are usually young people, who carry out highly qualified work activities using technological tools that allow them to work in smart working, by themselves or even for a company that does not have legal residence in Italy.

The requirements introduced by the conversion law

To enter the national territory, these workers will only need an entry visa – specific for this category – of a duration not exceeding one year. Once they have applied for the visa, they will be entitled to a residence permit, which must also be valid for no more than one year.

Workers are obliged to take out a health insurance policy covering all risks and comply with our country’s tax and social security provisions.

The modalities and requirements for issuing the permit, the minimum income limits, and the system for monitoring work activity will be defined shortly. What is certain is the absence of the request for work authorization – the ‘nulla osta’ -, a fundamental requirement for entry into Italy for work purposes.

This innovation will undoubtedly streamline bureaucracy and encourage the entry of highly qualified workers, bringing Italy in step with other countries that have long since embarked on this path, encouraging the entry of foreign brains into our country.