Studying Abroad in Italy: How to Apply for a Residence Permit
The student must have insurance coverage valid for the duration of the residence permit against the risk of illness and / or accidents. -
Family reunification: application process
A foreign national who is regularly staying in Italy is allowed to…
Health Coverage for Foreign Nationals in the Schengen Area
In 1997 Italy, after a process of adaptation to the entry visa policy laid down in the Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement, entered the so-called Schengen Area. The realization of the Schengen Area took place through the strengthening of the external borders (common to all signatory countries) and the gradual elimination of internal border controls, affirming the total freedom of movement of citizens within the territories of the signatory countries. -
The Reimbursement of Medical Expenses for WAI Members
Welcome Association Italy is a trade union that focuses on assistance to foreign citizens moving to Italy and promotes Welfare to assist and protect them in the work environment. -
The Residence Permit for Medical Treatment: Requirements for Obtaining It
In Italy, the right to health is regulated by Article 32 of the Constitution, which establishes the health of the individual as a fundamental right and which must also be guaranteed to foreign citizens, regardless of their personal position with respect to the law on their entry and stay in our country. In addition to recognizing health as a purely individual right, the Italian Constitution establishes the interest of the community as superior to that of the individual, guaranteeing, in addition, free care for the indigent. -
The Complementary Health Care Policy for Foreigners
When a non-EU foreign national decides to come to Italy, he or she must follow a defined bureaucratic path to obtain a Visa (and any subsequent Permit to Stay) from the Italian Consular Authorities in his or her country of origin. For citizens of the European Union, who do not have to follow the steps for obtaining a Visa, there is an obligation to register with the registry office in the case of a stay of more than 90 days in Italy. -
The Right To Study For Foreign Minors
One of the problems related to immigration is represented by the lack…
USA: borders to reopen from november 8.
After more than a year of border closures due to the Covid-19…
Residence permit for EU long-term residents
As we all know, there are different types of Residence permits to legally reside…
Buying a house in Italy for foreign citizens.
Despite the crisis caused by the pandemic, Italy remains one of the…
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