Bank and Insurance Surety, What to Do for Foreigners?
A surety bond represents a contract by which a guarantor, called a…
Declaration Of Hospitality And Entry Visa For Tourism
Italy is a popular tourist destination and, every year, millions of people…
Documents For Italian Citizenship And Acquisition By Naturalization
If you have resided on Italian territory for at least ten years, you can apply for Italian citizenship. -
Residence And Domicile In Italy: The Civil Registration Of EU Citizens
Residence and domicile are two different legal figures, but they are often…
Updating The Residence Permit in Italy: What To Do
The residency permit must be compulsorily updated in certain cases, in accordance with Italian law. -
Stay In Italy For Elective Residence: How It Works
The residence permit for elective residence in Italy is a residence permit…
How To Obtain A Visa For Cargo Transport In Italy
Cargo transport involves the movement of certain material goods from one place…
Studying Abroad in Italy: How to Apply for a Residence Permit
The student must have insurance coverage valid for the duration of the residence permit against the risk of illness and / or accidents. -
Residence Request in Italy For European Union Citizens
The current italian legislation distinguishes between stays of up to three months and stays of longer duration. -
Working Holiday: Which Residence Permit is Required
Working Holiday is an educational experience for thousands of young people around…
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